
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

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(Drazen Zigic/iStock via Getty Images)


在精神方面, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a time to reflect on virtues such as patience, 牺牲与感恩. That focus is sharpened by physical self-restraint – most notably, by fasting from sunrise to sunset.

这可以通过一种增进健康的方式来实现, 但细心的人也需要意识到潜在的陷阱.

在斋月之前, 预计将于3月10日晚在北美开始, 以下是关于如何以最健康的方式庆祝的专家建议.


“历史上, it's been proven over and over again that fasting is actually very safe" for most people, said Dr. 巴巴Basir, 他是底特律亨利福特健康中心的介入心脏病专家, 他是急性机械循环支持项目的主管.

斋月斋戒是一种间歇性禁食, he said, "and intermittent fasting has really taken off" as a way to lose fat without losing muscle. 他指出,禁食可以提高胰岛素水平,增加人体生长激素, 有助于燃烧脂肪.

到2021年, study published in the Journal of the 美国心脏协会 linked Ramadan fasting to 降低血压. 其他斋月研究的血压结果好坏参半, 尽管其他关于禁食的研究表明它是有益的.


People with chronic illnesses are among those the Quran exempts from the Ramadan fast. Basir说 that would include people with Type 1 diabetes who need to have regular intake of sugar.

Dr. Manal Elfakhani, a registered dietitian and an assistant teaching professor in nutritional sciences at Penn State University in University Park, 宾西法尼亚, 是否建议糖尿病患者禁食. 有些人找到了禁食的方法, she said, but "my recommendation in the end is that a person should always consult with their physician."

斋月禁食可能比其他类型的间歇性禁食更具挑战性, 纳齐玛·库雷希说, 他是多伦多的注册营养师.

一个很大的不同, she said, 斋月禁食要求戒掉水和其他饮料吗. “这是一个干巴巴的禁食,库雷希说, who co-runs a consulting business aimed at providing culturally tailored health advice for Muslims. "And the other big difference is the majority of the fasting hours are during the waking hours,“而对于间歇性禁食, 大部分禁食沙巴足球体育平台可能与睡眠沙巴足球体育平台重叠, 这样就容易多了."

库雷希说 Muslims and their doctors need to understand who can be exempt from Ramadan fasting, 这也适用于儿童吗, 老年人和孕妇, 等. "The most important thing is making sure that we are healthy and it's safe,她说.


While studies have found that Ramadan fasting is safe for people with stable heart disease, it's "really important" for people with heart issues to make a plan with their cardiologists, Basir说, 尤其是在药物方面.

大多数心血管药物每天服用一到两次, he said, “所以这些药物可以很容易地在禁食的开始和结束时服用.“禁食也可能影响利尿剂的沙巴足球体育平台或功能, 哪些是治疗高血压的处方药.


躺在床上而不是起床睡觉是很诱人的, 黎明前的晚餐, Elfakhani说.

"I've seen people skip this meal,她说, "and I don't think that's a good idea."

苏胡尔是滋养身体一天的最后机会, 库雷希说, 错过它会让你一整天都感觉没有活力. The focus should not be about eating as much as you can before rushing out the door, she said, 但是“吃正确的东西."

Elfakhani suggested that the morning meal include a whole grain, a fruit or vegetable and a protein. 全谷物可以是谷物、面包或燕麦片. 香蕉、苹果或草莓都是很好的水果. 对于蛋白质,可以尝试一杯牛奶,一杯酸奶或一些炒蛋.

坚果可以提供蛋白质和健康的脂肪, 她说阿拉伯人经常喜欢吃橄榄, 这也是一种健康的脂肪来源. (They also can have lots of sodium, so she suggests not eating more than five at a meal.)

库雷希说,有些家庭更喜欢吃正餐, 这是可以的,“只要它含有蛋白质和一些复合碳水化合物, 比如水果, 蔬菜或全谷物.

The most important part of suhoor, she said, is "making sure you're drinking enough water."


控制水分摄入是至关重要的. 每个人到底需要多少会有所不同, but "you should be drinking the same amount of water that you would be in a nonfasting day,库雷希说.

她说,不要喝含糖饮料. And as tempting as they might be before dawn, Elfakhani recommends avoiding coffee and tea as well. 它们是利尿剂,之后会导致体液流失.


Basir说,人们在一个月的禁食期间体重会增加. 这怎么可能?? “他们在晚上吃早餐时吃得很差."

The No. 关于斋月饮食,人们常犯的一个错误, he said, 选择不健康的食物和在晚餐时暴饮暴食.

这顿饭, 叫开斋, 是与他人聚会的沙巴足球体育平台吗, 有点像感恩节,Elfakhani说. "We're with our families, and we're just tempted to eat a little bit more than we probably should."

库雷希是这样说的:“有很多庆祝食物.“它们会因文化而异, 但很多都是油炸的, appetizer-style食物, 还有很多甜点. 禁食一天后,人们很饿,往往会匆忙吃很多东西.

With some, one piece could be hundreds of calories, and most people don't stop at just one piece. "So, before you've gone into dinner, you've already had a couple thousand calories,库雷希说. If you're doing that every single day for 30 days, she said, "you really start feel it."

传统的开斋方式其实是最健康的, 库雷希和埃尔法哈尼说. 许多人选择从一杯水开始,然后吃一到三杯 dates 然后去做10到15分钟的晚祷.

在那段沙巴足球体育平台里, 你的身体会开始意识到它被喂食了, 库雷希说, 你再也不会有那种极度的饥饿了. So now, 当你回到餐桌上, 你可以让它更平静, 更冷静的决定."


Elfakhani建议在早餐时“吃一顿均衡的饭”. 避免油炸、咸的食物. 强调健康的蛋白质和全谷物.

还有蔬菜,库雷希补充道. 开斋餐往往提供更多的精制碳水化合物而不是健康的纤维. 这会导致消化问题.

别忘了多喝水,巴希尔说. 记住,斋月期间卡路里的增加和其他月份一样. 许多人会在晚上吃第三顿饭, he said, 所以他们一天的卡路里摄入量是一样的, 如果不是更多的话, 比平时多. 这对很多病人来说都是个问题."


Just being aware of what Muslims go through during Ramadan can go a long way, Basir说.

小手势有帮助. "One thing that is universally helpful is not asking all the time, 'Do you want to go out to lunch?’”巴希尔说.

Elfakhani是在禁食时说这番话的, 她最多产的沙巴足球体育平台是晚上, 当她不能喝水的时候,她的课就更难讲了. 在为穆斯林学生设定期望时,她牢记这一点.


"I wish sometimes that elementary schools would be a little bit more understanding" that households will function differently as kids are served late meals and families stay up later. She's grateful that her oldest daughter's high school sets aside space so fasting students don't have to spend the lunch hour in the cafeteria.


这个月的精神方面确实会带来更健康的生活, 对食物选择的谨慎态度, Elfakhani说.

“当你被要求不要吃喝的时候, 你开始意识到我们有多把吃饭当成理所当然,她说, 很多人认为, "Oh, wow. 我没有意识到我一天吃了多少."

Fasting for 30 days straight is not easy, she said, "but it is a very beautiful spiritual experience."


"Our Islamic faith actually really highly encourages us to be very healthy,巴希尔说。. "We're really encouraged to eat natural foods, to be cognizant of the amount of food that we eat."


"My advice in this scenario is to use Ramadan as a springboard for making good healthy choices from a dietary standpoint,巴希尔说。. 如果你能在这30天里强调健康的习惯, 它们会成为你在接下来的一年里都能随身携带的习惯."


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